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Hey Guys this one is about the beloved and amazing Tv Show.The interactive
Adventure is becoming... something for digital streaming services.
Title : Ruptures
Genre : Drama
First Air Date : 2016-01-13
Last Air Date : 2018-04-09
Number of Seasons : 4
Number of Episodes : 37
Runtime : 42 min
Overview : Ariane Beaumont, a promising young family law practitioner devotes her life to protect children. When professional issues force her to start her own practice, she discovers that saving others will come at a personal price.
Stars : Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin (Ariane Beaumont), Isabel Richer (Claude Boily), Normand D'Amour (Jean-Luc De Vries), Vincent-Guillaume Otis (Ãtienne Dalphond), Catherine Trudeau (Marie Rousseau)